Are you an entrepreneur?
Are you interested to have a business? Do you have a small business where you sell a product or service? You may want to have a business as a hobby, to do something different, develop your talents, or earn extra income. It is possible that your business is your only source of income. Every case is different.
We know of individuals who make a living from their business as the primary source of income. On the other hand, we see a trend of people who have their jobs and in addition, own a micro-business. Many of them, do not have formal education in business. They are entrepreneurs who search for self-training, are self-educated by taking seminars, register in short courses, read books, blogs, among other options.
Do you want to take your business to the next level? How can you do that? You can explore having an online presence.
We have seen that the internet has become an essential element as a means of communication. We used the internet for several activities that we probably did not even imagine years ago.
We perform online transactions like paying our accounts, make bank transactions, purchases, communicate via emails, search for information about businesses, schedules, offers, locations, and even during driving a car we depend on the "GPS" to go to different places.
Therefore, why not explore what opportunities you can have using the internet for your business? It may seem complex if you are not a technology expert. However, you just need time to learn. As in everything, the hard part is when you start to know the methodology, but once you start, technology can be your best allied.
Begin by establishing an online presence. You may wonder, how can I have an online presence?
We will be introducing you to the basics of the digital world, e-commerce and digital marketing tools through a series of informational capsules.
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